Great article, Mr Gioia …. totally agree with both the sentiment and morality of your case …. more than happy to sign your petition.

Though I was born in England in the 50’s and a ‘Child of the 60’s’ my parents were avid fans of American swing bands and the jazz of the 30’s and 40s. … they had many of the records of their era and played them endlessly. I of course, being a teenage fan of Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin (and the other Rock bands of the 60’s) thought my parent’s music was old fashioned and boring. It only took me about twenty years to learn the error of my ways and to develop an appreciation of the immense talent and artistry of musicians like Duke Ellington and Ella. Who was it that said ‘youth is wasted on the young’? I sincerely hope you succeed in your petition and that America does right for one it’s greatest national treasures.



P.S. only recently found your channel and am totally enjoying the quality of your writing and the energy of your insights - keep up the good work - thanks.

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Ted Gioia

How fortunate we are that there are musical artists that walk among us, that when asked why they create, reply, "My reward is hearing what I've done."

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Ted Gioia

Yup! Yes! Right! It's been a while since I signed a petition -- and sure it's a small thing, and posthumous, and there's living composers to think about, but it's also the right thing. Nothing in doing this stops us from doing bigger things, and it takes only a moment away from the living to honor the still living art of this artist.

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Ted Gioia

More than happy to sign your petition. Had an issue with the link, but will try again from a different device. Will let you know if there appears to be a problem other than something at my end.

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Ted Gioia

Belatedly bestowing that honor upon Ellington does little to enhance the prestige and legitimacy of the Pulitzers, but it will help restore some of each, both of which they lost in 1965.

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Ted Gioia

I can't think of Jazz musician more worthy.

A fantastically varied body of work.

To my mind his chromatisicm and rhythmic invention were the inspiration for bebop and modern jazz.

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Ted Gioia

Thank you, Ted, for seeing the injustice, and doing something toward making it right… Duke Ellington deserves that ‘65 Pulitzer….probably along with Billy Strayhorn…..

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Giving Ellington the Pulitzer will, in a way, also recognize the genius of Billy Strayhorn, who was considered by Ellington to be his other half.

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Ted Gioia

Jeez....& this was < 3 months after TIME magazine pulled its planned cover story on Miles Davis [they swapped in Thelonious Monk]

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Ted Gioia

Great idea, Ted. My son graduated from the Duke Ellington School of the Arts. I'll send your article to some of the school officials to help get the word out.

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Signed and shared! Thanks again for your insight!

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If any jazz composer deserved to win a Pulitzer, it would definitely be the Duke.

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Ted Gioia

Love this! Signed and shared on Facebook. Already have had a number of signers who have in turn shared on Facebook and Twitter…

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Bravo sir

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Ted Gioia

We had many of the Dukes records at home...wonderful..

He totally deserves the award...

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Ted Gioia

& then give Mingus one for “Epitaph” too!

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Ted Gioia

Absolutely, thank you for trying to set this right, petition has been signed.

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