it's about time,his musical legacy lives on.both human,mind and spirit.

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It's a bit surprising that the 22-23 board isn't named yet. But I see a half-dozen people on the 21-22 board who'd surely have taken a petition like this quite seriously. Assuming the place hasn't completely fallen apart, you should get a good hearing.

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Great cause you have taken up Ted. I trust this serious matter, the long overdue recognition of Duke Ellington and his numerous contributions, will get the kind of attention it deserves. Thank you for spearheading this cause.

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Ted Gioia

better than that could not be written, the ball is now in their playing field and is about to ......... explode. I do not want to be in their shoes because if they don't take this opportunity that you are giving them, they are going to make a double planetary fool: first in 1965 and now in 2022 and every time they get together to decide who to reward, DE will be forever the stone guest.

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Signed & Shared.

I had no idea about this travesty before I read your book The History Of Jazz. This needs rectified.

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The Pulitzer crew awarded Stalin's man at the NYT a Pulitzer. He was a hardy supporter of a guy who killed off 20 million people. I am not sure I would shame the Duke with this award.

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Thank you, Ted. Signed and shared. Hoping for the best, meanwhile happy to contribute to the advancing numbers that will go down in the history of the Pulitzer either way.

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Cranky, mean spirited letter in NYT today. Separate but equal?

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Thanks for efforts in raising consciousness about this oversight. I signed the petition and have encouraged others to do so.

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BTY his name was Walter Duranty.

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I am an enthusiastic supporter, but I don't think they've undermined their values by taking a few days to respond. We could all stand to be a little less online.

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Gee, as if this mattered.

What good would it accomplish? Who the hell cares about a Pulitzer Prize for Music? It's like an Academy Award for Best Lying Spouse.

If it should happen, do you think that the news will cause even a hundred people who have never listened to Ellington to do so? Forgive me, but my eyeballs spin.

It strikes me as close to insulting, even. Does he need ratification by the ******* Pulitzer committee?

Wasn't it enough that he was Duke Ellington?

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Rough day, huh? I love that you managed to feel offended—personally insulted, even—at the effort to right a past wrong that doesn’t affect you one iota. Well played.

Thanks for the #HotTake that reminds us that someone, somewhere, is offended by everything.

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Jul 25, 2022·edited Jul 25, 2022

I see the question of a posthumous Pulitzer for Duke Ellington as an insult to Ellington, not to me. I made that clear in my comment.

Personally, I'm bothered by what seems to be a near mania in Ted Gioia that Ellington should get a Pulitzer. It's so foreign to my own way of assessing the world that it makes me feel as I imagine I would if I came into contact with the culture of an obscure South American tribe.

Some other things:

1. Why Ellington instead of Ellington/Strayhorn or "Duke Ellington and his Orchestra?"

2. Why not a posthumous Pulitzer for Artie Shaw?

3. Getting killed made James Dean a big movie star, but I doubt it mattered to him.

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My comprehension is just fine, but thanks for asking. :)

If your intent was otherwise, I’d suggest you reword the post that you wrote. You came off as indignant that Ted’s efforts mattered at all, and said you found it insulting.

If you you meant it was insulting to Ellington, it did not come across that way.

Your very first line was “Gee, as if this mattered.” To many, it does matter. Your post came off as dismissive to Ted’s efforts and yes, I found that an inappropriate response. I’m probably not alone.

If you can’t see how what you wrote could be taken that way, then there’s not much more to discuss.

Thank you.

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I did reword the comment to omit the nasty shot at your reading comprehension. But I did think what I wrote was clear.

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Fair enough—I’m happy it’s sorted, and thank you.

May I ask a few genuine follow-up questions?

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Absolutely! Any music maniac is a friend of mine, our disagreements and my occasional and much regretted lapse into bad manners notwithstanding.

I may not get back to you until tomorrow, though.

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