Mr. G.

I also found you on the Rick Beato interview.

My reason(s) for reading you parallel the other comments. But I especially value your even tone, your reasonableness, your research. The general avoidance, on your part, of the venemous tone that seems

to pervade so much discourse.

Keep it up.

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HB brings great value to my world. Thank you for all you do to create (and inform) community!

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Ted, I enjoy reading the HB....found you via Rick Beato interview.

Keep up the good work!

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Found him there as well. Have been a subscriber here ever since.

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That was my first time hearing Ted, too. I was just shocked at how obviously erudite he was and wanted to learn more - especially about his book.

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Idk but I thought your letter to Tony Bennett was an excellent piece of work.

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Can confirm! That one was pretty awesome.

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Sorry to see that none of your top ten is your latest book, which is your most interesting work. I hope you don’t stop your scholarship in pursuit of clicks. Your books is why I subscribe.

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Keep the diverse articles coming. It’s as refreshing as your lifetime reading plan.

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You had me at West Coast Jazz; everything since has been icing on the cake. So grateful for THB and Substack!

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I enjoy your writing, but especially the music posts. I do hope there’s a renaissance and a coming romanticism in the arts.

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Keep up the good work Ted! Thank you for the shout out earlier in the year. It boosted my reader numbers for which I am grateful. Your writing about Spain and Cordoba I found fascinating. Happy New Year!

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Thats interesting! Happy New Year 🎉

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I have greatly appreciated your daily columns. I hope that this is financially rewarding for you as well. Thanks Ted. Have a happy new year. The character traits and Taylor posts were my faves.

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Thanks for all you do. It’s true that I’ve found so many interesting ideas and suggestions to dig into in the comments. Thankful for both you and your wonderful community of readers.

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You are among my top-five favorite subscriptions on Substack. Congratulations on a banner year. Here's to a creative and even more fulfilling 2024!

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Ted - Only recently discovered you as I am fairly new to Substack having left all other social media behind this year. Keep up the great work. It is truly appreciated.

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Great list and thanks for bringing some of these to my attention! I'm excited to get caught up. You are one of my favorite Substackers, not because I agree with everything you say, but because you are a thoughtful, interesting, and, in my opinion, good, person. Cheers to the new year!

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Ted, you have 88K subscribers, we million page views, and somehow had time to “like” each of the seven comments that I made on your recent Harvard grad/drop-out essay. Thank you. Seriously! It was a great essay with excellent discussion in the comments. I am a new subscriber (probably referred by comments in Mark Bisone’s “The Cat Wasn’t There” ) and am grateful to be part of your world here.

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