I'd like to nominate the following for a more infernal rendition of Bosch's "Butt Music." Think of it over & over & over again, forever & ever & ever...Either very loud or just barely, gratingly audible - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Eq4RLZdTQg

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I have terrible memories of the vuvuzela at the 2010 World Cup FIFA soccer matches in Such Africa. At one point I think they were banned from further use.

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Obviously that should have been South Africa.

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All of the finest musicians want to go to hell. Because if they go to heaven there they will find Kenny G

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Reminds me of the Squirrel Nut Zippers’ song, “Hell.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yS2IBMQIjDo

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I suspect the number of votes for "What's New Pussycat" is very much influenced by John Mulaney's comedy bit:


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currently picturing auditions for first chair in Hell’s Leaf Blower Orchestra

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Why does “We Built This City” get so much hate? I wouldn't call it good, just so-so. But there's plenty of other pop hits that are much worse.

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Hope it is not the Bosch painting come to life (or death as it were). One word comes to mind cacophony. Yikes

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For those who love to listen to music, silence is hell.

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Very nice piece. As bad as the music in Hell may be, it can’t be worse than Christian Rock. To paraphrase Bill Hicks: “I want to go live with the Satan Worshipers…they have all the best records…”

I remember reading an article about Mack McCormick a while back and in it he was hinting at the fact that he had some fantastic unknown info about Robert Johnson. Do you know if anyone has undertaken the task of wrangling his massive (and apparently very unorganized) body of RJ research into something the public may get to read some day?

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What Reddit thread was it?

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