Thanks for the shout-out, Ted! I opened my email box and found more than a dozen new subscribers! It's got to be you, it's got to be you...

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In addition to those mentioned, all of which I subscribe, Harmony Holiday's Black Music and Black Muses is fantastic (https://harmonyholiday.substack.com/). Echo Locator by Tom Moon is a good read too (https://echolocator.substack.com/) and many, many more highlighted in the Shoutout thread. So neat to see Substack recently highlight music writers.

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I subscribe to Harmony, too, and really enjoy her work. Tom had a fascinating response to the Spotify stuff. Good recs!

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Thank you Ted! I am very grateful! My subscribers doubled in 24 hours!

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Wow I didn’t know about the Substack app, I’m curious to check it out! I’ve met so many great fellow music writers on the platform recently, it’s great that they’ve even created a thread for all of us!

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I've been using the beta test version on the website, and it's great: you can have your RSS feed go to it as well. Glad to see they came out with the app.

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Hi Ted, I have just been working on compiling a similar list of music themed Substackers and found you - I also write about music and culture and art and books and good things like that. Nice to meet you!

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A publication I really enjoy is https://herbsundays.substack.com/ by Sam Valenti IV, who started the beloved music label Ghostly out of his college dorm room.

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Here’s some not so secret shame. How has this whole swing-jazz-cowboy era gone down the collective memory hole (or is it just my vast sea of ignorance)? Spade Cooley even did the requisite hard prison time to earn c&w street cred. “Shame on You,” his mega-hit, starts at 2:58 in the YouTube compilation. https://youtu.be/3-yc8QgDjEQ

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I recommend Robert Christgau Substack newsletter. He has been a rock critic forever but still listens to lots of new music.

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I invite you to look at my substack The Non-Writer where I write about avant music history in my record collection, and maybe yours. I'm currently focusing on the work of music producer Giorgio Gomelsky ... https://rickrees.substack.com/

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Ted, are you a paid Subscriber to any of these? Or of any Substack? Your profile doesn't list any? Just curious. Thanks!

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