Vonnegut 2.0

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Possibly one of the best articles, sorry, I mean pieces of content, I’ve read for a while…. And it looks like you posted something that actually makes it worthwhile to visit Twit-X.

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Wait a minute here. Are you microwaving the entire casserole each time?! You only reheat (in the oven or on the stove) the portion you're going to eat. In this way ALL subsequent meals are meal 2.0. And honestly, should taste just as good, if not better, than meal 1.0.

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Yeah, it should really represent a minor revision not a full upgrade - v2.1, v2.2 etc

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Listen to John Prine! (A good idea, anytime):

Blow up your TV throw away your paper

Go to the country, build you a home

Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches

Try an find Jesus on your own

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Methinks you might have meant to quote his perhaps-more-futuristically-apropos:

"...We're all driving rocket ships

And talking with our minds

And wearing turquoise jewelry

And standing in soup lines..."

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I honestly disliked that song less than most Bossa Nova, though it's possible that's because it was only 74 seconds long. Is Facebook's slogan still "Move fast and break things"? It's ridiculous to think a multi-billion dollar company had that as it's slogan. It's almost as dumb as their headquarters' address being 1 Hacker Way. It's not like Pablo Escobar lived at 73 Cocaine Boulevard.

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the thing we need to break is Facebook. and please god, let's move fast.

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Hey man, you gotta eat your leftovers.

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In our house , I’m the leftover king 👑 lol 😂😂😂

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I hope we can “scale” our non-compliance against all those Techno-Wizards behind the curtain.

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Always a good read but this one had me alone in my music studio laughing out loud for it's entirety.

Thank you

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Finally, an indication that The Honest Broker does have a sense of humour after all. I was relieved to read it and laugh.

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it was indeed lovely to read something that didn't make me want to stick my head in an oven.

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This was fun to read! Here's a blessing from Kate Bowler that I thought of when I read this and thought I might share in a spirit of appreciate. As it refers to faith, please take what you find helpful or resonate with and leave what doesn't!

A Blessing For Your Best Life Now

My world is spinning on the axis of a single thought: I should be living my best life now.

Lord, other people are living their effortless, joyful, perfect lives. Why aren’t I?

When I scroll social media, I see grinning faces teaching me, selling me,

convincing me down to every atom of my not sufficiently moisturized skin that I should be more.

I could heal myself, budget myself, shop myself whole. I am a project ready to be completed. I am an unfinished checklist.

But that much is true. I am incomplete. And you never promised us a finished life.

So pry my eyes from the Christmas card versions of other people’s lives.

God, give me satisfaction in the trying. Give me joy in the never-quite-there.

Grant me peace in my unsettled heart for my wild mediocrity.

Help me smile back at the truth that no one, not one, knows perfection but you.

And you already looked at this messy creation at the beginning of time

and pronounced it pretty darn good.

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As a “disabled” jazzer ( played jazz reeds and even baroque recorder until I sustained a cervical spinal cord injury four years ago), I eagerly headed to the AI tune generator. I requested a classic jazz tune about living with an SCI, and I wasn’t disappointed! (Though I’d have run the chords differently…). Fun, though!

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Brilliantly delightful. Please write more satire!

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Garbage disposals are my nemesis. Twice I have defeated them only to have them spill their guts through any plumbing orifices available. Soaking kitchen mats, and once even a carpet on some freshly finished floors. Who knew the kitchen drain was attached to the guest toilet and sink drains? To my horror, London plumbers are really expensive. Never at home and always when I travel. So I confess I now have a technology phobia. As a bonefida saboteur my food waste is compost now. And when AI starts to spell correct properly, I will believe in the supremacy of technology again. Till then…

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Re Disney "House of the Future."

Yeah, the future ain't what it used to be . . .

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Is that a paraphrase of Duke Ellington.

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No clue here. I'm so old it all begins to run together. Sometimes it's not the age, it's the mileage, and I've "been around," having gone all over the world shilling Moog synthesizers (in the day!).

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I was in a band, for a minute, with a guy who had a moog. most of the time it sounded like an accordian. He could have used your help.

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Yes, many keyboard players used it like a one note organ. To hear how it could be used well, go to my drtomrhea.com site and search audio examples of Micromoog, under "Resources" page.

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I went there and under Resources I saw only written texts, no audio. What did I do wrong?

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To be fair, lasagna 2.0 always tastes better than 1.0. Don’t @ me 😂

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The future looks bright , I gotta wear shades 😎

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Or perhaps a pair of Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses, as worn by Zaphod Beeblebrox in 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy'. They go completely black at the first sign of danger. Nothing to see here etc…

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Haha yeah that would be cool 😎

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